Frequently Asked Questions

Faith Evangelical Lutheran is located at 18645 Dixie Highway in Homewood, Illinois. We are a small yet active community in faith, and we invite you to learn more about our history and beliefs.  

Our services are held on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am and all are invited to attend, Parking is available, and we also livestream our services via YouTube for those who cannot travel. 

Faith Evangelical Lutheran was founded in 1952 by a group of households who began worship in the VFW Hall in Homewood.  Property was purchased at 186th Place & Dixie Highway, the first building was erected and dedicated in 1953, and we’ve been there ever since, through several building expansions.

Faith is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, one of 200 such congregations across Chicagoland and more than 10,000 across the US.  The ELCA is part of the Lutheran World Federation, which counts a membership of about 75 million.

An interesting note about the congregation’s history: In 1972, Faith was the first Lutheran church in the United States to call a woman, the Rev. Karen Knutson, to a regular ordained pastoral position.  That historic vote took place in the same sanctuary in which we worship every Sunday!

First and foremost, an emphasis on God’s grace.  There is also a significant focus on vocation, our calling from God to be instruments in his hand, in our daily work, in our household life — wherever God might call us.  Finally, Lutheran Christianity has a long tradition of bringing the Gospel to the world in very new ways:  The Lutheran Reformers proclaimed “ecclesia semper reformanda est,” or “the church is always reforming”

Adult education is offered at 9:30 between Labor Day and Memorial Day, and at 8:15 during the summer. Pastors and lay leaders study the Bible, special topics and theological books.

Bible study and faith-sharing small groups are formed from time to time, usually for 6- or 8-week sessions.

Confirmation classes are Tuesdays 6:30 – 8:00 pm for young people in 7th and 8th grades.  We explore big questions of faith and life, we serve the community, we enjoy each other’s company, and we pray together.

Students also meet Sunday mornings as part of the Sunday School program.

If you are looking for family-friendly social events at Faith Evangelical Lutheran, please visit our events calendar.

Sunday School is offered between Labor Day and Memorial Day from 9:30 – 10:30 am for children ages 3 to 6th grade (professionally staffed nursery also available). We begin in age-appropriate classes to learn the day’s Bible lesson, and gather in a large group for songs and closing prayer. Caring teachers make the Bible-based curriculum come alive through art projects, games, and other activities. All are welcome!

Our Parenting Group also meets during this time, discussing faith and the vocation of raising children in an ever-changing world.

You can subscribe to our email newsletter, find out what’s happening via our event calendar, or join us on Sunday at 10:30 am CST at our church in person or via YouTube livestream.