by Sarah Cutcliffe

I was recently approached and asked the question, “Why do you attend worship?” I am not sure about the rest of you but I can’t say that I have given this question too much thought. The question made me reflect on why I find myself in the pew on Sunday morning.

The first and most obvious reason I worship is because I was raised attending Sunday service with my family. My mom led the charge and set expectations early that unless you were on your deathbed, you go to church. I have a fond memory of my cousin visiting and breaking his only pair of sandals right before we got in the car to go to church. My cousin assumed that he wouldn’t be coming since he had no shoes and my mom surprised him by saying, “Jesus doesn’t care if you are barefoot.” He stood with our family without shoes that summer Sunday in our pew as I giggled at my mom’s conviction. 

Ritual has a powerful way of making us feel at home and in the best case it can make us feel love and comfort. Going to church keeps me feeling close to those I love as well as to past positive experiences.
Besides connecting me to who I was, going to worship also helps me consider who I want to be. During worship I can focus my energy on prayers for others, on music that glorifies God, and fellowship with my congregation. I also model behavior for my children. I want to instill in them what it means to be a part of a congregation and I can make church feel like an extension of home. I want them to learn why we worship, why we cherish sacraments and that our thoughts and actions touch other lives. When I sit in the pew I can think about the Christian, mother, and community member I choose to be.

Finally, and most importantly, I worship because it is a fundamental way to participate in my relationship with God. By showing up on Sunday I acknowledge to God and my community that I prioritize my relationship with the Almighty. Just showing up isn’t enough to live up to the title of Christian but it is a foundational step. God always is there for me and coming to church to worship is a small way to reciprocate my love. 

Why do you attend worship? No matter your reason know that you are loved by God and this community.