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Your weekly newsletter from Faith Church
July 24, 2019 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Special Edition: High School Mission Trip
Destination: Knoxville, Tennessee! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The group left early Saturday morning, July 20, and stayed overnight in Louisville, with a side trip ziplining in the caverns there. Monday found them all smiles (see below) ready for the week ahead. Tuesday evening worship (2nd photo below) was time to gather after a hard day of work projects. Thank you for your support as they do the work and grow in faith that God has called them to! Please continue to hold them in prayer as they finish the week and return home: Ben, Jessica, Quinn, Adam, Sam, Grace, and leaders Nick and Lee. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thanks to the HF Chronicle for coverage! Teens getting ready for week-long mission in Tennessee By Marilyn Thomas on July 17, 2019 – 8:16pm The teenagers at Faith Lutheran Church gave it their all at a car wash-fundraiser Sunday, July 14, as they worked for funds to support their weeklong mission. Adam Kramer, rear, and Quinn Kirchner put their efforts into washing a car during a youth group fundraiser at Faith Lutheran Church in Homewood on July 14. (Marilyn Thomas/ H-F Chronicle) On Saturday, July 20, six of the teens and two adults will load up a 15-passenger van with their gear and crates full of tools that will be used when they join other volunteers with Group Mission Trips to work in an area of Knoxville, Tennessee. Painting and general carpentry will be necessary at the homes selected for volunteer service. The seven-day program gives teens a look at the needs of others and reminds them that help, even in small doses, is important, said Emily Kramer, one of the parent volunteers. Faith Lutheran has sent teens on mission in the past. Quinn Kirchner, an incoming sophomore at Northwestern University, has been on two such trips, and is looking forward to his July volunteer week. “It gives you a chance to get to know other people,” he said, “and our faith is all about service.” Grace Sucor, 14, will be going on her first mission. The Homewood resident will be a freshman at Homewood-Flossmoor High School in the fall. “I wanted to volunteer,” she said. “I think volunteering for this has everything to do with my faith.” Faith Kenshol of Homewood, a member of the youth group at Faith Lutheran Church, gives a car at the group’s car wash a special buff job. (Marilyn Thomas/H-F Chronicle) Joining them will be Adam Kramer of Homewood, a junior at H-F; Sam Kirchner of Park Forest, a student at Marian Catholic High School; Ben Epley of Flossmoor, a recent graduate of the University of Chicago Lab School; and Jessica Thoresen of Crete. Adult chaperones will be Nick Epley of Flossmoor and Lee Brauer of Homewood. Donations to the youth group’s efforts are being accepted by Faith Lutheran Church, 18645 Dixie Highway, Homewood. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Contact Information
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Faith Lutheran Church | 18645 Dixie Highway | Homewood | IL | 60430