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FAITH MAIL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your weekly newsletter from Faith Church
August 8, 2019 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
FAITHOUGHTS The Opportunity to Witness Maria Arndt Just outside Cincinnati in Kentucky, there is a life size replica of Noah’s Ark. A friend of mine gave me tickets to go and see it. I did not think that I would be impressed or all that interested. Yet as I arrived and watched the film on how and why it was made, my heart began to soften. Sometimes, I feel skeptical of such tourist draws. Yet as I listened to the board members speak to the purpose of this epic endeavor, I honestly believe that this is truly a ministry and their goal is to witness. Everything they display clearly depicts the Bible as the true and inerrant Word of God. Everything points and leads to the Gospel saving news of Jesus. I stood in awe of the ship made to the exact proportions of the original. Crafted by artists, engineers, builders and skilled craftsmen, this wooden ship moved me. The displays inside were historical and Biblicaly accurate. The place was crowded and the throngs of people clearly held many believers. Pastors, Nuns, Priests, Amish families were all visibly represented. My mind began to wonder … how many nonbelievers were among us??? While I will never know the answer to this question, I am positive they were there. As I posted on Facebook about my visit, several friends who I know are not believers asked me questions and wanted information so they could visit. This ministry is alive. Nonbelievers surround us everyday. It sadly struck me that I move in and out of daily life often without a thought about whether or not someone knows the love of Jesus. pportunities abound to share the Good News. That evening after visiting the Ark, we were notified that a friend of ours had died unexpectedly. She had not been taking care of herself and we’d been concerned. I had planned on visiting her on the return from our trip. She was not a believer. I tried to be the arms of Christ to her by bringing her healthy food, providing guidance on buying a home, giving her rides and other support. And I while I never hid that I was a believer, I yearned to be able to say out loud to her that I loved her and Jesus loved her. I will forever regret this. Missed opportunities are a part of a sinful life. A forgiven life is how I live though. So I will focus instead on moving forward and continuing to live a life of hospitality in the name Christ. May we all view life as an endless chance to share the love of or Lord and Savior. Maria Arndt is a member of Faith. In her daily ministry she works as a kindergarten teacher. She’s at MArndt@sd194.org [mailto:MArndt@sd194.org]. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Phil Silhan Phil Silhan of our congregation died on July 21. Phil served 40 years (!!) as the organist at Faith, and for many of those years was the director of the adult and children’s choirs. She was a remarkable musician who regularly brought to our worship her own compositions, and who was known in the Chicago community as the lady who played Christmas tunes at the piano during the month of December at Midway Airport. She was a person of incredibly deep Christian faith who prayed regularly for the Faith community and for people in it. A memorial service is planned for Saturday, August 17, 11 am; a lunch in the church fellowship hall will follow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Come Early this Sunday and Sing
This Sunday, August 11, a group of adults and young people will gather at 9 a.m. to rehearse the songs for our worship service. Come join us! During worship we’ll sit with our families and come up only for the hymns, to lead God’s people in song. Fun! All ages welcome! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Luke/Acts Bible Study Starting Soon! EVERYONE’S INVITED to the next Bible Study opportunity sponsored by Faith’s Stewardship Committee. Join us as we study the books of Luke and Acts using the Disciple format of daily readings and prayer. Our study will be enhanced by the fact that the lectionary for that period also focuses on the book of Luke. We will again offer two meeting times: Saturday mornings from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., and Sunday mornings during the learning hour. Join us beginning the weekend of September 14th and 15th. The 12-week sessions will end on Nov. 30th and Dec. 1st. Books will be available in the church office, and sign-up sheets will be posted on the office window. Truly, the best way to know more, is to dive in and learn more. Our discussions are lively and far-reaching. The participants are eager to learn from one another. There’s so much to gain…why not give it a try. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
THIS SUNDAY’S SCRIPTURE READINGS Genesis 15:1-6 Psalm 33:12-22 Luke 12:32-40 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In This Issue
Faithoughts Phil Silhan Sing this Sunday Luke/Acts study this fall Scripture Readings
This week at Faith
Thursday 7:00 Jacob’s Well Practice Saturday 9:00 Altar Preparation Sunday 8/11 9:30 Worship 7:15 NA Meeting Wednesday 7:30 Choir Rehearsal for Phil Silhan Memorial ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Serving on Sunday, August 11, 2019
Serving God in Worship 9:30 Presiding Minister: Pastor Robert Klonowski Assisting Minister: Scott Showalter Preacher: Don Beal Children’s Message: Pastor Amy Wiegert Musician: Rob Travis Lector: Katrina Perez Communion Deacons: Dennis Florance, Deb Burnet & Karen Aronson Acolyte: Aiden Showalter Altar Guild: Lee Brauer & Nancy Grzesiak ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Contact Information
Faith Church [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0012OOT–LIned_wDT0rCOsFV9HiN8U6ZM6M-0iclAbG8_rUqnmkxF-dff5hySWXbd8rOJQkPGBGY4I9kXpPlK9z050gzzGzTnTGgSCgmFl-tRhve0Fjbd_Me1go35xWMJzf2EnaxI9QKmR9sCWozKI9-EqmrOXphlG8e5emrjMknhC0A4wlDivBw==&c=ekT3cYbk-_aCH50LM5FIITEYgPTZKCpRkKRqukuSyfJL-9hbUOlSkQ==&ch=YX45GIC-vFN9WL31zJKKoyEZPIVG9_j1tecASuMNU6AGZdDkMZLGzw==] 708-799-1160
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Faith Lutheran Church | 18645 Dixie Highway | Homewood | IL | 60430