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FAITH MAIL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your weekly newsletter from Faith Church
August 29, 2019 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
FAITHOUGHTS Christian Community by Stuart Kurtz One of the mantras of our age has been, “I’m spiritual but not religious.” I don’t believe it. Christians have always sought community, and if a satisfactory community isn’t available, they’ve built one. Our congregation is such a built community. As grateful as we are to our founders, today the congregation is mostly sustained by people who joined that existing community. There was something great here, and we wanted to be a part of it. There still is something great about this community, and we want to share it. The question for us today is what sort of community do we want to have? This is by no means an idle question, as the active discussions within our community, including council, our outreach and hospitality committee, and two town hall meetings have shown. The fact that we’re having these discussions is proof, as if proof is needed, that there’s not complete unanimity on the question! But there is a broad consensus. We’re a Christian community. We believe in and share the Good News that the Kingdom of God is at hand in Jesus Christ. More succinctly, we share God’s love, and have long claimed this as our mission. We’re a part of the ELCA, and so are a scriptural church, a creedal church, and a sacramental church. We are grounded in our faith and its history, but open to the Word of God, and so, open to change. We are an intentionally inclusive community. Consider our communion invitation! What it means to be an inclusive community has changed, and so have we, but this was always so. You might remember St. Paul arguing for communities that included slave and free, Greek and Jew, those baptized by Paul, Apollos, as well as Cephas. Such distinctions mattered to those that made them, just as distinctions over class, race, sexual orientation & identity, and political orientation matter to those who make them now. The old distinctions seem strange to us today, as our society’s distinctions will doubtless seem strange to those who follow. We are one church, inclusive, open and affirming, not divided by the distinctions society asks us to make today. “For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” I Corinthians 1: 18 Stuart Kurtz is a member of Faith. In his daily ministry he is a teacher of computer science at the University of Chicago. He’s at stuart@cs.uchicago.edu [mailto:stuart@cs.uchicago.edu]. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sunday Worship Schedule CHANGE! Beginning Sunday, September 8 (Sunday School Rally Day!), we begin again our schedule of two worship services. But the times will be a little different:
* 8:30 Worship * * 9:45 Christian Education (Sunday School, Confirmation, high school youth, adult groups)
* 11:00 Worship We’ll start the schedule a little later in the morning than we have in previous years, and we’ll shorten the later worship service, to accommodate families with young children. Out by noon, promise! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Back to School Sunday, September 8! As we resume education hour, worship times will move again to two services on Sunday, September 8. Beginning at 9:30am, come outside for the fun. A great kick off to Sunday school will include a bounce house, face painting, snacks, and other activities. Groups will have information and sign ups about what’s coming up this fall and winter. Invite your neighbor, invite your friend, plan to join us! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
THIS SUNDAY’S SCRIPTURE READINGS Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 Psalm 112 Luke 14:1, 7-14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In This Issue
Faithoughts Sunday worship schedule Back to School Sunday! Scripture Readings
This week at Faith
Thursday 7:00 High School Board Meeting 7:00 Jacob’s Well Practice Saturday 9:00 Altar Preparation Sunday 9/1 9:30 Worship 7:15 NA Meeting Monday Office Closed- Happy Labor Day! Wednesday 7:00 Choir Rehearsal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Serving on Sunday, September 1, 2019
Serving God in Worship 9:30 Presiding Minister: Pastor Amy Wiegert Assisting Minister: Sam Kirchner Children’s Message: Pastor Amy Wiegert Musician: Rob Travis Lector: Dennis Benard Communion Deacons: Dennis Florance, Carla Benard, Julie Mikulski, Tom Dockweiler Ushers: Garth Aronson & Bill Hornof Altar Guild: Lee Brauer & Nancy Grzesiak ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Contact Information
Faith Church [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001sScc9-lYvSgH7hU0ArwpiCqLeL2-0OKglxMhCn2yrKhMDNdTQtA0e40C2Ml1Saywl2XLJIOmWl5c8HOF_X0A_-Ohpnk6AkWhFlcVUytWh2_ZYwb3Iw2dAkc7Q5y8h3UM04wMQLWiRjsj-q1QPoXTYGRPmDgzeGfDtNerVUkOjRJfbb9AsCN09Q==&c=afyS89jlRA1lqku7QySsK7stUbMzDWWMV4Ww7QPyDHB4wjbdFv5BIA==&ch=8JqOa79XL56xwAHmWs4adi6InsvlqYxySEdcF-Wcmv4aMNue93vYbA==] 708-799-1160
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Faith Lutheran Church | 18645 Dixie Highway | Homewood | IL | 60430