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FAITH MAIL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your weekly newsletter from Faith Church
September 12, 2019 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
FAITHOUGHTS Blessed Community By Deborah Burnet Last Saturday, I saw a community in all its glory. As a runner in the Flossmoor “Hidden Gem” Half Marathon, I ran through 13 miles of cheering neighbors dancing all over their front yards, all decked out for the occasion. There were squads of HFHS cheerleaders yelling and waving bright pompoms, and a loud, brassy marching band! Where did it all come from? About a year ago, a small group of neighbors began to toss around the idea of the race. The group gathered strength and numbers, with a wide variety of gifts represented. There were people excited about running, people excited about Flossmoor neighborhoods and homes, people excited about inviting and empowering other people as volunteers. Some folks were social media gurus who knew how to show and tell the story. Some people knew just how to ask for financial sponsorships. Some people shared their connections with the Village, Police and Fire Department; others built connections with the Illinois Department of Transportation, or the CARA running club. Some lined up food, water and medical care for runners. The planning group gathered again and again to go over details. Occasionally tempers got short, or folks got tired. But what they built was bigger than any of the individuals, and gradually it took on a life of its own. The church is a blessed community. St. Paul describes the wide variety of spiritual gifts with which we are blessed – teaching, healing, prophecy – all endowed by one Spirit. And the body of Christ depends on the members working together: ‘The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I have no need of you’, nor again the head to the feet, ‘I have no need of you” (I Cor 12). Knowing the church community will have disagreements, Paul teaches how to handle conflicts with love: a ‘still more excellent way’. Saturday’s race was a secular event, but I saw remarkable blessings which have been bestowed on us, and the still more remarkable gift of community. Deb Burnet is a member of Faith. In her daily ministry she serves as a physician and a medical researcher. She’s at deborahburnet@comcast.net [mailto:deborahburnet@comcast.net]. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sharon Stancik Sharon Stancik of our Faith community died on Wednesday, September 11. Sharon struggled with illness for many years, and she lived through those years with great courage. She was a member of the altar guild at Faith, she was an organizer and a cleaner of the church kitchen, and contributed to our congregation’s life in many other ways. Please remember in prayer her husband John, and children Derek, Darlene, and Michelle. A memorial service is planned, date to be determined.
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High school youth board meet Thursday at 7:30pm Parents of high schoolers are invited as we start the year and plan toward the summer trip. Not able to make it but want to learn more? Contact Pastor Amy pastorwiegert@comcast.net or Emily Kramer paulandemily@comcast.net ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sunday school for all ages begins this Sunday! At 9:45am ages 3- 6th grade begin with songs, announcements, and prayer time in room 101 (downstairs) then to their classrooms: Pre-K- K: main floor, preschool room, next to nursery 1st-3rd: room 102, downstairs 4th-6th: room 105, downstairs Starting at 9:45am are: 7th & 8th grades: confirmation, up stairs off the gathering area High school: FLY high school room; downstairs Parenting group: parenting group room; downstairs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Adult Bible study, Sunday mornings You are invited for Bible study. Beginning this Sunday, September 15, 9:45 – 10:45, we gather in the small conference room for a Bible study based on the lessons for the day. This is a great way to learn about the Bible (no prior knowledge necessary!), a great way to enrich your worship (learn the background of the lessons we read in worship that day), and a great way to share faith with a group of fellow Christians (Faith folks!). Led by Pastor Klonowski. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
THIS SUNDAY’S SCRIPTURE READINGS Exodus 32: 7-14 Psalm 51 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Luke 15:1-10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In This Issue
Faithoughts Sharon Stancik High school youth board Sunday school begins! Sunday adult Bible study Scripture Readings
This week at Faith
Thursday 7:30pm high school parents
Sunday 12/9 8:15 Worship
9:30 Education Hour
10:45 Worship
Wednesday ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Serving on Sunday, September 15, 2019
Serving God in Worship at 8:15 Presiding Minister: Pastor Amy Wiegert Assisting Minister: Pastor Robert Klonowski Children’s Message: Pastor Robert Klonowski Organist: Rita Jeffirs Lector: Dennis Benard Song Leaders: Sarah Cutcliffe & Stuart Kurtz Communion Deacons: Sherrell Salas, Karen Aronson, Carla Benard & Dennis Florance Ushers: Garth Aronson & Bill Hornof Altar Guild: Ann Anderson, Barb Berger & Karen Opalinski Serving God in Worship at 10:45 Presiding Minister: Pastor Amy Wiegert Assisting Minister: Erik Norwick Children’s Message: Pastor Robert Klonowski Musician: Rob Travis Lector: Nancy Grzesiak Choir Leader: Jeff Silhan Communion Deacons: Adam Kramer, Donna & Terry Norris Acolyte: Lucas Kramer Ushers: Katrina & Alex Perez Altar Guild: Ann Anderson, Barb Berger & Karen Opalinski ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Contact Information
Faith Church [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001dQhf71gsiq_s7jJsBnI_92eGyvKZmi3SE7Idwb2Mva54meAHvVsSmhWNBRS63rH07KaNu56Bz7Y16FkaLo6wAjeHGSvTknv3IckUMpjq1dIwqyMHrv5qmOUKE3Xwv5l_7U4SA7sTN_5lHwhf-IU8BWJodfEy1kKtKVXLAiE4FgNA1vTrYfRGhA==&c=r3lT6mYfP8CJDPvvc8p7Zn5VOsFvvszJdu_SkNK0jaYNJoSVt9YIDw==&ch=88CYJUkZJgfSF2LvqW2A2L0hzMs0jQwrdA6Zy9EFVijmEu8d1Lv2pQ==] 708-799-1160
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Faith Lutheran Church | 18645 Dixie Highway | Homewood | IL | 60430