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FAITH MAIL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your weekly newsletter from Faith Church
September 26, 2019 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
FAITHOUGHTS Many Rooms but No Room? by Maria Arndt Five years ago, I moved into my historic 1929 home in Hammond. Each empty room delighted me and I could not imagine ever seeing it full with things. Yet, my home has slowly filled with an eclectic mix of shabby chic, modern and family antique pieces and furnishings. With exception to one place… the huge two car garage has an attic that is dry, clean and empty. The attic is now no longer empty. Last week, two of my daughters moved in full time with me as their father remarried and sold their childhood home. This meant all of their possessions & childhood toys, games, clothes and memorabilia came with them. Having my 19 and 22 year old girls with me full time is a complete & total blessing. I am so thankful to have this bonus time with them but I almost wept as every, nook and cranny was occupied. That is when I remembered the garage attic space and I was overjoyed as each thing they brought could be saved. Their father, Rick, and I intentionally raised sentimental children that connect the people, stories, and items to traditions and history. Stuff comes with those life stories. As they and their stuff moved in, my heart was filled with love and joy, and a song popped into my head: “Come and go with me, to my Father’s house To my Father’s house, to my Father’s house Come and go with me, to my Father’s house, Where there’s joy, peace and rest. There are many rooms, in my Father’s house In my Father’s house, In my Father’s house There are many rooms, in my Father’s house, Where there’s joy, peace and rest Jesus will be there, in my Father’s house In my Father’s house, in my Father’s house Jesus will be there, in my Father’s house, Where there’s joy, peace and rest.” Our Father has room for us. He will love us and take us as we are… Jesus takes our baggage away. We are free of sin and the strains of this Earth. There is room for EVERY SINGLE one of us. There we will find joy, peace and rest! Maria Arndt is a member of Faith. In her daily ministry she works as a kindergarten teacher. She’s at MArndt@sd194.org [mailto:MArndt@sd194.org]. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
High school gathering at Kenshol Wiegert’s Sunday, September 29 from 5- 7pm. High schoolers and their families are invited. Casual gathering, food, games and conversation. Please text or email Pastor Amy 708 790 1266 pastorwiegert@comcast.net by Friday, September 27 if you’re planning to attend. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
High school mission trip update:
High schoolers are again planning a summer mission trip. This year, they will travel July 19-25, 2020 to Rochester, New York. If you are a high schooler or know a high schooler who might be interested, please be in touch with Pastor Amy by October 1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sharon Stancik Memorial Service Sharon Stancik of our Faith community died on Wednesday, September 11. Sharon struggled with illness for many years, and she lived through those years with great courage. She was a member of the sewing ministry at Faith, she was an organizer and a cleaner of the church kitchen, and contributed to our congregation’s life in many other ways. Please remember in prayer her husband John, and children Derek, Darlene, and Michelle. A memorial service is planned for Saturday, October 26, at 10 a.m., at Faith. Following the service the community is invited to a celebratory lunch in the gym. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
THIS SUNDAY’S SCRIPTURE READINGS Amos 6:1, 4-7 Psalm 146 1 Timothy 6:6-19 Luke 6:19-31 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In This Issue
Faithoughts High school gathering this Sunday High school mission trip Sharon Stancik memorial service Scripture Readings
This week at Faith
Thursday 7:00 Property Meeting 7:30 Jacob’s Well Practice Saturday 8:30 Luke/Acts Bible Study 9:00 Altar Preparation Sunday 9/29 8:30 Worship 9:45 Education Hour 9:45 Luke/Acts Bible Study 11:00 Worship 5:00 High school gathering at Kenshol Wiegert’s 7:00 NA Meeting Wednesday 7:00 Choir Rehearsal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Serving on Sunday, September 29, 2019
Serving God in Worship at 8:30 AM Presiding Minister: Pastor Robert Klonowski Assisting Minister: Stuart Kurtz Children’s Message: Maria Arndt Organist: Rita Jeffirs Lector: Carla Benard Song Leaders: Karen & Garth Aronson, Milka & Todd Thoresen Communion Deacons: Michelle Burke, Deb Burnet, Dennis Florance & Karen Aronson Ushers: Garth Aronson & Bill Hornof Altar Guild: Ann Anderson, Barb Berger & Karen Opalinski Serving God in Worship at 11:00 AM Presiding Minister: Pastor Robert Klonowski Assisting Minister: Scott Showalter Children’s Message: Maria Arndt Musician: Rob Travis, Lector: Mary Brady Communion Deacons: Lee Brauer & Sherrell Salas Ushers: Pat & Jed Jedlicka Altar Guild: Anne Anderson, Barb Berger & Karen Opalinski ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Contact Information
Faith Church [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001_8VZ0aubbOcy4IDbVOv6mg37myIAKOFRYUYAaFIaQi3-geD8LxrXuHVmNUDEIJiszEyLjkKLJRQ9OerC4EiWSDcQh9i3ypjJivAU237bPEJuM_XQi7p9i-BnruHd9q7jFDfDGrSWtfLiDDpB4RePyOuoXPrXxFbkfFm_rnFmeqrEjbyAymDr7Q==&c=r8KE_-UtkvfQ–9ADFuWd0HlKfBwNYRkteLUtqZkLgLS1O_28FvgKw==&ch=MctcVa2W51QTzZh3FFH_7x8XZlcqvI9JvycBUUt5-JxTVEuqqmSN5w==] 708-799-1160
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Faith Lutheran Church | 18645 Dixie Highway | Homewood | IL | 60430