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Your weekly newsletter from Faith Church
November 7, 2019 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
FAITHOUGHTS A Hammer, a Chisel, & the Faith to Move Mountains by Carla Benard Recently a member of our community questioned whether she was “doing enough” as a disciple of Jesus. I was amazed; I know she does a lot that makes a difference. How much faith does it take to make a difference? Recently, an answer presented itself when Pastor Amy did a children’s sermon on “faith as small as a mustard seed” being able to move mountains. Then I remembered a story that proves that statement. In 1960, Dashrath Manjhi, a poor Indian laborer, decided to build a road so that his neighbors would have better access to everything people need: health care, schools, and financial opportunity. The problem was a small mountain that made the journey to all of these things 70 km over rough terrain. All he needed to do was move a small mountain that was 25 feet high and 360 feet deep. Manjhi sold his three goats in order to buy a sledge hammer, a chisel, and a crow bar. His friends and neighbors thought him crazy, but for the next 20 years he worked during the day plowing other farmers’ fields, and spent nights & evenings literally moving a mountain. His finished road opened in 1982. As a result of his faith and willingness to chisel away at the seemingly insurmountable, the 70 kilometer journey to nearby villages was cut down to 1 kilometer. Imagine the changes brought by this man to an entire community! Our struggles to live as true disciples of Christ are challenging. The demands on our time, talents, and resources can seem like a lot when added to lives that are already filled to the brim. We struggle to prioritize. Manjhi’s story offers us an example. It’s time to take up the hammer and chisel of our faith to begin to chip away at those things we encounter that are not of God. It’s time to see the obstacles that stand in the way of living our most fulfilled lives as children of God, and move them. It’s time to hold onto a vision of what could be, and put all our efforts into making it happen. The tasks will not be easy nor quick. What seems to be most important is that they are offered for the good of the entire Christian community and that they represent our faith in God– to put our efforts to good use, regardless of how long it takes or how difficult the journey may be. Faith as small as a mustard seed wielded like a hammer and chisel, stroke by stroke….more than enough to move mountains. Carla Benard is a member of Faith. After a career as a high school English teacher she is now enjoying retirement. She’s at carla.benard@yahoo.com [mailto:carla.benard@yahoo.com]. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Consecration Sunday, November 10
This Sunday, November 10th, we’ll bring forward our pledges as an act of worship. We’ll be blessed to have Pastor Heidi Torgerson in our pulpit, bringing us a vision of what Jesus says we can be! Lunch will follow after 11am worship, as we celebrate all that God has done and all the God is doing in our community. If you haven’t signed up for lunch, come on back to the gym anyway. There’s room for you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Green for Gobble Respond Now has challenged us to purchase turkeys to give to clients as part of Thanksgiving dinner. Money can be donated in cash or check through the offering plate. On a similar note, Respond Now is asking us to participate in a Christmas basket challenge again this year. Last year they challenged us to donate 400 jars of peanut butter (which we did!). This year, we have been challenged to donate 720 boxes of macaroni n’ cheese. We can do it!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Outreach and Hospitality meets Tuesday, November 12 Would you like to see Faith grow? Can we touch new lives with the living Good News we’ve been given to share? How will we need to change, to make such things happen? It’s the Outreach & Hospitality Team! We are 9 people of Faith, and there’s room for you, if you’d like to:
* Meet monthly * Read & learn about how congregations share the Gospel * Change the way Faith proclaims our message, relates to new people in the community, and welcomes new folk. Our next gathering is Tuesday, Novemer 12, 7:00- 8:30 pm. Contact: Jed Jedlicka, patorjed1981@gmail.com [mailto:patorjed1981@gmail.com], or Kim Kurtz, kkurtz58@mac.com [mailto:kkurtz58@mac.com]. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Editor’s Note In last week’s Faith Thoughts, you read : “we’ve certainly fulfilled this command to be fruitful. 7.5 billion people are alive today, up from 2 billion at the Biblical creation.” The editor (Pastor Amy) apologies to our writer, Deb Burnet, for editing and inserting mistakes. In the Bible creation story, we read that there were 2 people (Adam and Eve), not 2 billion at creation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It’s COLD ! Homeless guests need cold weather gear Your PADS ministry team trusts that you are ready for the season: hats, scarves, gloves, & warm socks- getting ready for the winter is possible and will happen pretty quickly. Our Monday night PADS guests don’t have many of these things. Might you be able to pick up an extra hat or scarf? How about a pair of gloves or a couple of pairs of warm men’s socks? The need is immediate. There will be a bin in the gathering area (narthex) marked PADS. Gently used and clean men’s coats will also be accepted. We can especially use sizes L, XL, and XXL. We look forward to seeing it filled with offerings. Thanks in advance for your generosity. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
THIS SUNDAY’S SCRIPTURE READINGS 1 Samuel 3:1-21 Psalm 17: 1-9 Matthew 4:18-22
In This Issue
Faithoughts Consecration Sunday Green for Gobble Outreach & Hospitality Team Editor’s Note Homeless guests needs Sunday’s Scripture Readings
This week at Faith
Thursday 6:30 Confirmation Class 7:30 Property Committee 7:30 Jacob’s Well Practice Saturday 8:30 Luke/Acts Bible Study 11:00 Jim Hoffman Memorial 9:00 Altar Preparation Sunday 11/10 8:30 Worship: Consecration Sunday 9:45 Education Hour 11:00 Worship: Consecration Sunday 12:00 Consecration Luncheon 5:00 PADS: HS Youth Cooks 7:00 NA Meeting Monday 6:00 Faith Homeless Shelter Tuesday 7:00 Outreach & Hospitality Team Wednesday 7:00 Choir Rehearsal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Serving on Sunday, November 10, 2019
Serving God in Worship 8:30 Presiding Minister: Pastor Robert Klonowski Assisting Minister: Stuart Kurtz Children’s Message: Maria Arndt Preacher: Rev. Heidi Torgerson Organist: Rita Jeffirs Choir Director: Jeff Silhan Song Leader: Garth Aronson Lector: Gary Madsen Communion Deacons: Dennis Florance, Karen Aronson, Kim & Stuart Kurtz Ushers: Garth Aronson & Bill Hornof Altar Guild: Karen Aronson & Karen Dockweiler Serving God in Worship 11:00 Presiding Minister: Pastor Robert Klonowski Assisting Minister: Erik Norwick Children’s Message: Maria Arndt Preacher: Rev. Heidi Torgerson Lector: Adam Kramer Musician: Rob Travis Song Leaders: Erik Norwick & Tony Falvo Communion Deacons: Adam Kramer, Lucas Kramer, Don Beal & Marissa Harris Acolyte: Lucas Kramer & Marissa Harris Ushers: The Quirke Family Altar Guild: Karen Aronson & Karen Dockweiler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Contact Information
Faith Church [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001lRB37Z_bZrcVXZ1j2pOqoWIRBZB9W_Zx0g7Loxq1hBpy2b8T325-H7JJnBf51xKo_g4Cy1AnUp39h3W4X6t-x8MdvSTponwswp0t7k7GFixTgdgwxs888nebq2C9H3s3yL4eftzXs-0-iT9Mwl1S9XAJphbnP0iKhqnWyCpSGfbu8uoC_PeVng==&c=uzkz7hDFQZE0ZiqbNDdbDdyI1F7k3yaRh87LhtWwX4k0H7FzdDeFlA==&ch=cyQfcI5yMuFnewrpV3QUyl1WOVOIYz1JEi6ibZg_hdPB-tIoaKGX9Q==] 708-799-1160
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Faith Lutheran Church | 18645 Dixie Highway | Homewood | IL | 60430